Wednesday, April 14, 2021

"Hemorrhoids & Homoeopathy"

 In the past few weeks there were many patients to whom I have consulted regaring their acute & chronic diseases.Most of them are better now and few are under the convalescence period. But among them there was a very interesting case which was really an inspiring case for us. Today we elaborately will discuss about that case. 

It was a case of Hemorrhoids. But before we discuss how inspiring that case was we should  have a solo knowledge about the diseased condition that patient was suffering from.


Hemorrhoids: Heamorrhoid is nothing but a varicose condition of the anerectal region  where veins become dilated,elongated &  tortuous. 

Types: Broadly it is categorised into 2 major types 

1)External:- In this type, veins are covered by skin. 

2)Internal:- In this type, veins are covered by mucous membrane. 

In some cases existence of 3rd type is also noticed called interno-external where upper part covered by mucous membrane & below one is covered by skin. And this is the advanced stage of heamorrhoid. Clinically it is seen that most of the heamorrhoids are internal one. 

Etiology: There is no exact reason for varicosity of veins but etiology for the same divided into 2 major groups A)Primary B)Secondary 


a)Anatomical Factors: Anatomically there are certain factors which accelerate the conditions.

1) Veins in anal region lax the sub-mucous coat  

2) There is no valve present in veins 

3) Veins flow against the gravity

4) Contraction of muscle during defeacation. 

b)Hereditary Factors: Congenital weakness may be sometime responsible for varcosity of veins. 

c) Exciting Factors: Exciting factors like long continued straining, contipation & colitis nay be act as exciting cause. 


1) Carcinoma of rectum


3) Enlarged Prostate 

4) Portal Hypertension, systemic hypertension etc. 

Clinical Features:


-There must be a history of constipation.

-Patient complaints of blood coming with stool & sometime blood may be fresh so its called Bleeding Piles. 

-Condition is mostly painless but in some circumstances there may be pain. 

On Examination:-

1)Rectal Examination-In severe cases when veins getting heavy in varicosity, the adjacent mucosa hangs loosely from the anal opening & there may be anal prolapse also.

Depending upon the prolapse, piles graded into different degrees.

                                                         Fig-Stages of Piles 

a)Ist Degree: No mucosal prolapse. 

b)2nd Degree: Prolapse due to defecation but returns back again. 

c)3rd Degree: Prolapse due to defecation but has to reduces manually .

d)4th Degree: Always prolapsed 

2)Digital Examination-Actually piles can be detected by the digital examination but it reveals the carcinoma of anus. 

3)Speculum Examination-With help of  proctoscope pies are easily visualized where exactly it is positioned. Basically piles are seen in 3,7 & 11 O'clock position.  

So, this is a short description about the piles to keep ourselves updated with this knowledge.Now lets come back to prime discussion how that patient did get  a magical cure.

At around 7 to 8 O'clock in the evening a handsome guy tall,fair in complexion with light hair color with red blushing skin just like imparting redness, entered in my clinic with his fellow friend. And without taking a formal permission he just took his seat along with his friend.After being comfortable in the seat patient's friend then started explaining the patient's complaints in the first instance. Then later on patient himself joined that conversation with me & tried to explain his complaints more elaborately. Till now his friend was giving just the overall complaints of the patient at very superficial level like burning at anus for last few weeks with pricking pain & little bit bleeding too, along with a small nodular mass at the end. Then patient gave an striking history of his complaints.

We the homoeopaths always search for the history because history is one of the most important point in the selection of a remedy, like history of injury , history of suppression etc.Anyway, then patient told me in very desperate way doctor, do you know? this is not the first time I have been suffering from this problem. I had been with this problem 6-7 yrs back also but that time its was very severe & that problem made me frightened & due to that I had to go for the operation at that time. But that was not my desire yet and I had applied multiple ointments also to avoid the operation, then I had found unfortunate one. 

Anyhow, doctor I d'not want to go for operation any more.Please do something for me doctor. This is the whole scenario that patient had expressed in front of me. Now the main task begins  like what would be the remedy & how we will going to select it?

After that I did take whole case history & then finally I prescribed Sulphur 30 two doses in sac.lac & placebo in globules for mental satisfaction of the patient. I also give the Calendular Q for sitz  bath for 2-3 times in day. After 2 weeks of consuming the prescribed medicines, patient did not give any response whether its helping him or not? Suddenly, after 3 weeks Patient came with whole family for the consultation. By seeing this scenario I assumed that patient would get some relieve only & that kind of expression patient had too. Anyhow I finished my consultation for his family. Then at last he came for his follow up, now he told me that doctor what a magical medicine you had given to me, its all gone now. NO burning, NO pain & NO any mass there. Its all gone forever.  You could not imagine how a doctor feel when his patient said that he is better, his problem recovered. But being a doctor we should always cross examine, only we fully believe whether this patient is saying right or not. After verification I found that  this patient is CURED now.

This is magic of homoeopathy and we can  see how homoeopathy is effective in even in those cases where surgeries suggested to the patient.That's why I always said " Homoeopathy-All In One".

                                                                " Homoeopathy-All In One"

Thursday, February 25, 2021

"Homoeopathy-The Safest way of Medication for Pregnancy"

Pregnancy: Pregnancy is just a word but when we listen this word ,we become very concern & alert automatically because its related to giving a birth to a new life. So, whenever anything is given to the mother during pregnancy, we have to be very careful and most important if we give any medications and even we do cross check double & triple time before the giving whether it will not give any adverse effects. 

It is a pysiological condition where a female bears the development of a fetus in her womb for about 38-40 weeks. Its a very complicated one & we have to salute our females for bearing the same.

Fig-Homoeopathic Medicine

During this period people always search for natural & effective way of treatment available in medical field & this search ends with Homoeopathy. Females during pregnancy have to take  a lots of Old School Medications(Allopathy) and because of those medications they have to face certain adverse effects too. So for that effects if you are searching for a effective natural treatment homoeopathy is the best option to chosen from the different mode of systems of medicines. 

Homoeopathy & Its Medicines : Homoeopathy is a modern system of medicine where medicines are prescribed on the law of  "Similia Similibus Curantur" which means like cures like.

Homoeopathic medicines are prescribed on the symptoms similarity & given specifically to stimulate your immune system so that our diseased body may return to healthy one in the safest way without any side effects. Homoeoopathic medicines are 100% natural & safe so can be given during pregnancy for any complaints. These  medicines are proved on healthy human beings so there would not be any side effects if given on the basis of simila similibus curantur.


Now a days homoeopathic medicines are considered as herbal medicines but herbal one & homoeopathic medicines are completely different. Homoeopathic medicines are associated with herbal but they are not the herbal medicines. Herbal medications are old school medicines made on the basis of pharmacology but homoeopathic medications are made on the process of dilutions & secussions with minimum dose so there would not be any chance for any adverse effects.

Homoeopathic medicines are not the chemical drugs & they are  given in very minute dilution doses so it will neither harm mother nor baby. 

Homoeopathic Medicines for Complaints during Pregnancy with Management:

A.Constipation: Due to increased level of progesterone during pregnancy it causes slow peristaltic movement resulting in hard stool & constipation. 


-Take meal a regular time interval so defecation would be regular.

-Drink enough quantity of water like 10-12 glass of water /day .

-Add more fibers in your diet so constipation will be better. 

-Do a little exercise on regular basis. 


1.Sepia: Ineffectual urging to pass stool which is hard with downward sensation in stomach.

2.Nux Vom: Continued ineffectual urging  for the stool with a feeling that something still not done along with urine. Stool hard & knotty. Loud flatulence rumblings especially after eating.

3.Opium: No desire to pass the stool but when go, pass small hard stool like dark balls.

4.Alumina: Hard knotty stool with no desire to pass stool, evacuation  preceded by painful urging before stool & then straining at stool.


1.Ars.Alb: Anxiety especially between 12 a.m to 2 p.m. 

2.Arg.Nit: Especially given for calming down the nerves leading to the happily event called delivery.

C.Morning Sickness & Nausea: This is very common complaints that most of the women suffer but it settles down soon after the Ist trimester. But if this complaint persistent for a long time, medical intervention needed. 


-Take small meal at regular interval to avoid the emptiness of stomach. 

-Try to take simple food & avoid spicy rich food & fried food. 

-Drink sufficient sufficient amount of water like 2-3 lit/day.


1.Sepia: Especially at the sight & smelling of food. Sepia is one of the most important remedy for this complain during pregnancy. 

2.Tabacum: Especially from tobacco smoke & vomiting.

3.Nux Vom: Especially it whole gastro-intestinal system is involved so it reduces the irritability of whole GI system.

 4.Symphoricarpus Racemosa: Especially for persistent vomiting .

5.Ars.Alb:  Great debility & exhaustion with restlessness. Vomiting if anything liquid taken.

6.Epecac: Persistent vomiting with clean tongue & no thirst.Vomiting may be greenish with colicky pain in abdomen.

D.Heartburn & Acidity: This is present commonly during pregnancy. Its due to back flow of acid contents of stomach through esophageal sphincter. 


-Avoid taking coffee, garlic & onion because these food aggravate the complaints. 

-Not eat anything especially 2-3 before going to bed, try to keep head raised as it reduces the chances of reflux. 


1.Ars.Alb: It reduces the burning due to indigestion especially at the pit of stomach. It helps the burning by sipping of water.

2.Nat.Carb: Its one of important remedy for females during pregnancy for weak digestive system and aggravated by  daily products. 

3.Nat.Mur: Its reduces the water mucous associated with sneezing in morning. 

D.Haemorrhoids: Straining at stool & prolong sitting may cause the inflammation of varicose veins & resulting in bleeding during stool .


-Do not strain much during stool.

-Try to take frequent warm baths.


1.Collinsonia: Most commonly indicated medicines for haemorrhoids during pregnancy. 

2.Lachesis: Especially during the ist month of pregnancy. 

3.Sulphur: Intolerable itching &  burning at anus < night .


                                                         *Homoeoopathy-All In One*

Monday, February 15, 2021

"Ringworm & Homoeopathy"

 Homoeopathy a system of medicine where you can trust for cure of almost every kind of diseased conditions but this wonderful pathy is mistakenly understood. And its not only common in common people also in medical practitioners of Old School of Medicine.Here I am going to share you a very interesting story of one of my patient who had been suffering from Ringworm since many years and lost the hope for cure definitely from Old School of Medicine(Allopathy).

This is the story during the lockdown period. It was around 9 O' clock I had been sitting in clinic of  one of my friend & he was also a homoeopath & his clinic runs very well & settled one. It was in my routine I visited his clinic after 9 PM 2-3 times in a week. One day during my casual discussion with my friend in his clinic I saw a known person was entering the clinic & that person is also known to me. And he was also regular visitor of my friend clinic.As soon as he entered in the clinic he joined our casual discussion very soon. 

During the happily go-lucky discussion suddenly  he opened his right leg & started scratching with intensity to feel better by more & more scratching. At the same time he also saying my friend that you are not caring for my this problem because he had taken the medication for the same from him but his problem was not cured. He has also taken treatment from different doctors too like Old School of Medicine but none of those doctors could give him a cure to even the recovery but yes some relief for some time being.

By listening to the fact my friend started smiling & advised him to take treatment from me as I can & will cure his problem. But, to give a hope to a hopeless patient is not so easy. That person started smiling quietly and asked very gently" will you try but I d'not think you could?  So, basically its soft challenge for me and I accept it in a gentle way too.

Then I took that whole scenario & all things turn around me. Before I start the whole case history I told that person one thing very clear that he have to follow my instructions very strictly. And he agreed on the same without any other option. 

Then I started inquiring about what exactly his problem is? Then only one first thing he uttered from his mouth is "ITCHNG" . After that I inspected the location & it was his mainly right leg. When he exposed his right leg I saw a large ring eruption on his right calf with hyperpigmentation & redness. By looking at the eruption I quickly understood that he had been suffering from Ringworm infection. Little bit on both cheeks & very minor behind the right ear too. Then I took the whole typical homoeopathic case history. Before coming to my friend he had been taking various other treatment & using different ointments & OTC.    

Ringworm is a fungal infection of skin & also called Dermatophytosis  mainly caused by three Microsporon, Trichophyton & Epidermophyton. It is characterized by itching with scratching & ringlike eruption with redness.There are different types depending upon the locations.

1)Tinea Capitis: When it comes to scalp, called Tinea Capitis. Its also called Black dot tinia because it also caused alopecia of the localized area. In Kashmiris it gets a special name called Favus with crust formation & discharge. 

Fig-Tinea Capitis

2)Tinea Barbae: When it comes to beard, called Tinea barbae. It only happens to adult males. Beard hairs become loose & falls easily.

3)Tinea Corporis: When it comes to truck & extremities, called Tinea corporis. Eruptions are circular with well defined borders & central area with erythema and there is hyperpigmentation.

                                                              Fig-Tinea Corporis 

4)Tinea Cruris: When it comes to groin area, called Tinea cruris. Most common in  young adults.

                                                                 Fig-Tinea Cruris 

5)Tinea Faciei : When it comes to face, called Tinea Faciei. Being on face topical application change the typical lesion and also called Tinea Incognitio.

6)Tinea Manum: When it comes to palm, called Tinea Manum. Its usually unilateral but sometime bilateral too.

7)Tinea Pedis: When it comes to sole & toes, called Tinea Pedis. Its also called Tinea Interdigitale.

                                                              Fig-Tinea Pedis 

8)Tinia Unguim: When it comes to nails, called Tinea Unguim.This is just a short description about the Tinea Infection.

 Anyhow  after completing the case history I selected a medicine(Sulphur) but before I about to give the medicine  one thing suddenly come to my mind that this patient is hopeless regarding the any line of treatment  so we must give that kind of treatment first which could give him some instant relief. Then I had decided to give a short acting remedies before giving a constitutional remedy. So as per the symptoms I give him Tellurium 6C for 3 weeks twice daily. Before I asked anything after 3 weeks we met during a walk & he told me that " Bhai Jaan Khujlahat to Bahut Kam Ho Gya Hai Lekin Rednesss Nai Ja raha Hai"( Dear Brother Itching is much less but redness is not reduced now). After the same I advised him to continue the same slowly & gradually everything will be gone. So as per my advise & instruction he was regular with medications. After 3 months each &every complaints of him gone now but in the meantime some others remedies were also given on the basis of symptoms similarity. Then I gave him Sulphur 30 only 2 dose as a antipsoric remedy for final cure.

Now he has complete faith on Homoeopathy & not he his whole family became patient of mine & this happened with the magic of Homoeopathy & that's why I always said-"Homoeopathy-All In One" 


                                                 *Homoeopathy-All In One*

Saturday, February 6, 2021

"Dulcamara-An Autumn Remedy"

 Homoeopathy the name when we hear about, image of some sweet globules comes into our mind automatically and that we call it " Meethi Goli Wali Dawa"(sweet globules medicated with medicine).

But the fact is that its just a " Meethi Goli Wali Dawa" or more than that? Or what are the hidden facts about this pathy which is the world's 2nd largest practicing system of medicine.

Homoeopathy is the science of medicine discovered by a physician of existing system of medicine(Old School of Medicine) in the year 1796. And that great discoverer was Christian Federic Samual Hahnemann. What a genius person Hahnemann was, because to bring a new system of medicine among the existing of system of medicine needs a creative ability & Hahnemann had it. 

Last year world has faced a virus outbreak called  COVID-19 pandemic situation & trying to find out the vaccine for the same & now Vaccine is also available but only for the health care worker as of now, but still there is confusion in people mind wether it would be vanished completely or not.? And during this pandemic this magical pathy comes as a front fighter against the COVID-19.

So, Homoeopathy can treat each & every kind of disease if it is treatable under medical circumstances and that is why I always say "Homoeopathy-All In One". And now we will discuss how this wonderful pathy treats the diseased conditions of human beings.

So, today we will discuss a very important homoeopathic remedy called Dulcamara. Another name of this remedy is Bitter Sweet. You know the best season for this remedy is autumn & that is why this remedy is called Autumn Remedy. This remedy comes from the vegetable source & we know vegetable kingdom is great source of medicines either in Allopathy or Homoeopathy.

                                                             Fig-Dulcamara Plant 

One of most important thing that we should search  before application of this medicine, is change of weather & cold damp weather. This is the only cause that makes arise each & every complaints of Dulcamara and we find the same symptoms in the patients, we can make that patient cure from his/her sufferings.

In Homoeopathy we prescribe each & every remedy on the basis of totality of symptoms from physical to mental level.So, lets have a look on mental plane of Dulcamara. Mentally Dulcamara patients are very dominant in nature. They always want the work to be done as per their instructions and order. They want the work should be done as per their choice because they think their choice of work is the best one in compare to others. patients got disappointed at very tiny things & he never discloses all the things in front of anyone until he believes that person is really understanding  him or  her.Mental symptoms of any remedy are very important for it selection if its a acute or chronic case. That is why our Master Hahnemann always emphasized us for the mental symptoms.

I remember a case of a woman long back ago. She came to me for her skin problem on face & palm of  both hands. When she came to me, she only gave very few symptoms regarding her complaints. Actually she was suffering from the wart on her face & palm of both hands.So, its was very easily diagnosed. There is no any itching or burning in it.So, I got very few symptoms regarding the complaints from the patient during the first discussion without interrupting her.

On the inquiry I found more symptoms from her & those were really very important symptoms. As a Homoeopath we always search for more & more symptoms because these are the weapons through which we can win the war. So, I found those revevant symptoms on the physical lever like she always got this kind of complaints in the rainy & cold damp weather in every year without any miss. Those warty eruption got aggravated during her menstrual flow. Basically I had been given almost all the symptoms to think about the Dulcamara but I was not sure about the mental plane & was in dilemma before the final prescription of Dulcamara. So, I decided to find out the mental symptoms but she did not give anything clearly like she always said, yes doctor everything is good enough. 

One thing I would like to mention here that a patient d'not give the any mental symptoms until & unless she or he trusts  her or his physician so its very important  for the physicians to make a trust to their patients. Coming to the case, then I started inquiring about her husband like how he is with her and all. The moment I asked this question, it was striking stone to the Swarm of Bees & gave me the clue for selecting the mental symptoms.

She told, doctor do you know? I do each & every work of my husband but he does not even care about me and even does not say a good bye when he was about to go office in the morning. No even that my children are not listening to me and they had got married where I did not like actually. I have given my whole life to my family but they never ever think about me. And by telling these sentences she got tears in her eyes. From all those inner symptoms from her I concluded one thing only, that she wants to dominate  her family through her decisions but she could not.And this is the nature of Dulcamara. So, finally Dulcamara 200 two(2) doses given to that lady. And after 3 months course of medication she was free from all her complaints like never before.

So, this is all about this wonderful remedy.And if you have any kind of such problems do not take medicines by yourself. You should consult your nearby Homoeopath for better understanding & correct prescription.

                                                        *Homoeopathy-All In One*

"Doubts & Myths about Homoeopathy"

 Since the discovery of  HOMOEOPATHY some doubts & myths had always been surrounding this world's 2nd largest system of medication....