Sunday, April 17, 2022

"Doubts & Myths about Homoeopathy"

 Since the discovery of  HOMOEOPATHY some doubts & myths had always been surrounding this world's 2nd largest system of medication. Homoeopathy is the world's largest alternative system of medicine which works on the basis of "Similia Similibus Curenture." 

And now it had been 200 yrs but still some people have some doubts,myths,confusions & misunderstandings regarding this noble system of medicine.

From the time of its inception, millions of patients had been cured successfully with this new system of medicine but still if I am not wrong millions of patients are not getting benefits of homeopathy just because of unawareness and also because of cross opinions & misguidance. 

It really hurts me when I see a lots of patient just taking number of medicines & changing from doctor to doctor as per their relatives & friends advice but they are not getting major benefits from those system of medicines. And they spend a large part of their financial deposits too just for sake of relieve but unfortunately they would not get it. 

So,before I start clearing the myths & doubts regarding my beloved system of medicine, I would request all of you, kindly give some preferences to this system also  when you are tired of the existing system of medicine basically named as Allopathy. 

" Homoeopathy first increases the diseases before curing." This is the most describable thing that each & every homoepaths have to listen either they like or not. This is the fixed type of line that I have to listen from most of my patients when they visited my clinic and especially for chronic diseases. Those kind of patients have a soft corner for homoeopathy as a believer but they are somewhat worried for about their sufferings and that's why when they visit they first ask me, doctor please don't give those medicine which would enhance our problems. At that time our first priority is to make those patients understand that there is nothing like anything in our pathy. This is just a myth. And not only by mare talking we have to give our best to prove it because then only patients will sustain with us for a longer period of time. 

Now check this on the reality point from homoeopathy. There is no any reality in that. In homoepathy philosophy there is one that called homoeopathic aggravation. If we say in lay man language, sufferings of patient increases for sometime being. And this is not because of homoeopathy it is because homoeopathic dose that was administered. In homoeopathy minimum dose of each remedy is given when prescribed by the homoeopath . But due to some circumstances if dose is not given in minimum, then only sufferings of patients are increased called Homoeopathic aggravation. This is mostly seen in case of skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis etc. So, its only the high time for the physician and they are the only responsible to give the selected remedies in very minute dose so their patients are devoid of any aggravated symptoms. And they finally claim that is nothing like in Homoeopathy. 

"Homoeopathy is very slow in curing" Another most common myth that everyone who by anyway knows about the homoeopathy, says this without wasting a single second to think about it like really its like that or not???

Homoeopathy is very fast in terms of acute diseases like diarrhoea, dysentary, fever, vomiting etc but the its slow level is given because of chronic diseases. If you see the nature of chronic diseases either treated by homoeopathy or allopathy, its always slow so you can not claim that this pathy is only slow to act. 

Actually some people never think before saying anything so these people are somewhat responsible for spreading this myth but not fully. Even some homeopaths are also responsible and as per my view they are major player in this myth because when patients saying this they never reply to those patients against this. Even I had seen personally this. Actually not this many others things that our homeopaths said just for the sake some money. 

Its a long time back when I was in my internship in my college and about to appear in this field of medicine. I had been advised to sit in someone's clinic to learn something before appearing in this field of treatment. So, anyhow I had been appointed in one of the homeopath's clinic recommended by one of my college teacher and that homeopath is a student of my teacher too as I were and still. So, in many times I had seen that doctor never gave his point of view that there is nothing like that. And I also never asked him about the same and may be that was fault. I should ask him about the same. Anyhow, but this is not like that in reality. 

Homoeopathy is very slow- it depends upon following things:-

Firstly, the selected medicine by our learnt homeopath is not perfectly similimum. Its mostly similar or near about the similimum. 

Secondly, the dose is not always minimum. In homeopathy minimum dose is the most important thing to get a quick & permanent cure. 

Last but not the least, patient susceptibility also matters. Its very difficult to find out the exact susceptibility of the patient & that's why we should give minimum dose to avoid any kind of aggravation.  So, we can say Homoeopathy is not slow we are slow in learning as well as execution.

"Homoeopathy can cure each & every kind of diseases" This is myth found in the believer of homoeopathy mostly because they have seen the results in homoeopathy so they have a thinking that any kind of disease can be cured with homoeopathy but that's also not true. Homoeopathy can not cure each & every kind of disease. 

"Homoeopathy is nothing but a placebo" Its also a common myth about the homeopathy but this one is found in the more educated non-believer of homoeopathy. This is also not true because if this modern system of medicine is just a placebo, why it is being taught & practiced for last 200 yrs in more than 150 countries now a days. Even researches are also available to show its efficacy and also proved under the science. Because homoeopathic system of treatment based on some laws drawn from the logic & experimental data. So, we can not say that its just a placebo or not having any science.

"Allopathic medicines can not be taken along with Homoeopathic medicines." You can take your conventional(Allopathic) medicines along with homoeopathic medicine. And it does not do any harm to the patient.

"Homoeopathy  can cure the cancer" This is not true but yes, this pathy can overcome the adverse effects of cancer so patient get benefited. 

"Homoeopathy does not need any kind of investigation" This is also not true because homoeopathy also needs to do investigation for better & better treatment. 

"Supplements & tonics can not be taken in Homoeopathy" There is nothing like that. Supplements & tonics are parts of any system and same in homoeopathy too. 

"Homoeopathy is against surgery" Its not about the against or support of anything. Homoepathy can cure some surgical diseases like piles, tonsilitis & fissues.

"Homoeopathy is only for some chronic diseases" Its very commonly seen among the people that if they do not get any relieve from the old school medication especially for chronic diseases, they were advised that to consult a homeopath because in chronic cases sometime homeopathy may work. They would not come surely but with a doubt like may work. Make in mind very clear, homoeopathy is not about the some specific diseases, its a system of treatment so it would treat each & every kind of disease either acute or chronic ones. 

There are thousands of examples where this pathy works in acute cases and the best example is hematoma very frequently found in children after falling injury. They best one medicine for this is Arnica , even people do have this medicine in their home.  

"Homoeopathic medicines are bitter in taste so it works better" Yes, its true that homeopathic medicines are bitter in taste but because of that it works better, is not true at all. Bitter taste is not the reason for better action of this system of medicine. Due to bitter taste medicines are given in sweet globules. And because of that only people say " Homoeopathy sirf meetha goli hai aur kuch nai" but  there is no any reality in this. 

"Homoeopathic medicines contain steroids" I think this myth is spread by some local physicians most probably because somehow they get jealous without any reason. Homoeopathic medicines are does not have any kind of steroid. In this system, medicines are prepared from different resources like plants, animal, nosodes etc. Medicines are prepared by proper law like standardization. So, there is no any fact about this .  

"NO diagnosis is needed in Homoeopathy" People think that homeopathic medicines are  generally prescribed without any diagnosis but that's not true at all. Same like in convention mode of treatment this pathy also  does a proper diagnosis before the prescription. Even we can say, diagnosis in more relevant in this 200 yrs old system of medicine. But unfortunately 90% of homeopaths do not write any investigation even they write by asking the patient, this is amazing. Because of this only started having this kind of thoughts in their mind that there is no need of any diagnosis in homeopathy. 

"Homoeopathy is not safe during Pregnancy & Lactation" This is no any reality in this because homoeopathy is completely safe due to not producing any side-effects on the human body even not in pregnant & lactating mother. In some cases homoeopathic medicines act best during pregnancy complaints of mother. 

This is all most common & less common myths about the homoeopathy that we have summarized in short & tried our best to make you clear all the doubts  & myths.  

                                                     *Homoeoapathy-All In One*

"Doubts & Myths about Homoeopathy"

 Since the discovery of  HOMOEOPATHY some doubts & myths had always been surrounding this world's 2nd largest system of medication....